Every individual experiences is salient to this website. To bring out those rare true stories about their lives, the changes
and effects Cherno Bogal continues to instill in them through the Islamic way.
It was a hot summers day, some nearly 20 years ago when this whole soul searching journey began. A one hundred and thirty
miles trekked down south-east brought me closer to my quest. Amazingly, it wasn't going to be the first and last journey to
make in my lifetime, as I came to found. Being my first trip and experience to this hinter land, my mind never never stop
wandering. In every sense, I was filled with mixed feelings during this seemingly, unending journey to a place I'd never been
before and eager to meet a man, full with Allah's blessings and wisdom, and purity in heart was heart wrenching and satisfying,
even though the toughness of the journey revitalised the vigour and strength in me. Then to go to this blessed land, with
its winding and meandered, unpaved dusty roads, a seven kilometers journey from the main tarmac road is by horse or donkey
cart. A few used cars to access this land I have trekked by foot on several and various occassions.
In retrospect, Bogal then and now is springing forth and expanding its boundaries. With less inhabitants and virtually
no economic activity then, is now becoming more and more advance in all aspects in its social, religious, cultural and economic
Al hamdulillah!
Islam: The true way for Mankind
It was a time when religion especially Islam wasn't the epicentre of my life. Although, a Muslim but not dedicated then as
I am now. All praise due to Allah Ta'ala and His Messenger (pbuh), when I came in contact with Cherno Bogal. My life changed
all for the best and now I am a fully practising Muslim. Its amazing how happy I am now.